August 30, 2020

Out of Tune

Out of Tune Recently I had a piano tuner come by to tune my badly out-of-tune piano. What a difference! Being out of tune is being discordant, disharmonious. Or, it could be defined as a state in which people do not agree with or understand one another. There is a lot of hate and misunderstanding out there, which seems intensified by Covid-19 stress. My hope for each of us is to learn what it means to live in harmony, beginning with those closest to us and moving on to strangers. What a difference! Out of Tune

August 26, 2020

Look, But Don’t Touch

Look, But Don’t Touch This is a familiar warning. In the gym, to ensure participants are 2 meters apart, the machines in between have these signs – “Look, But Don’t Touch.” I suspect children hear this the most. Some things are like magnets, and there is a longing to touch, maybe to see if it’s real, or how soft it is. Or, in the case of candy, well…they already know the taste. That’s when parents may regret their child having seen it at all!